Witnessing history: Team GB win London 2012 Olympics opener in Cardiff


Above: Cardiff gets the 2012 Olympics underway

I never thought I’d witness the start of an Olympic Games in my hometown, Cardiff. But that’s exactly what I saw today as Team GB’s women’s football team beat New Zealand 1-0 in the London 2012 opener at Cardiff’s Millennium stadium.

The atmosphere was special as Cardiff welcomed the world – something it’s used to doing as the home of Welsh rugby. It was lovely to experience a genuine enthusiasm for the Games from the many families in the stadium. And the Millennium team did a wonderful job, despite the mad rules imposed on them, such as not allowing us to take bottles of water in on a scorchingly hot day. (The Olympics Gestapo have a lot to answer for. Presumably they were also responsible for the appalling queues for drinks as half the bars weren’t open, which meant many missed the GB goal, as they were still queuing for half time drinks 15 minutes after the break.)

The game was a great advert for women’s football. The action was fast and furious. And it was magical to see the first score of the 2012 Games – for Great Britain.

We’re back tomorrow evening to see Brazil’s men taking on New Zealand.

Below: four year old Owen sleeps through the action.



Above: welcome to Cardiff

Barclays scandal: heads must roll but no ‘full inquiry’

You’ve got to hand it to Britain’s banks. Their reputation was already in the gutter. But they’ve made us hate them even more this week with another series of scandals – and not a single chief executive has resigned.

The Barclays LIBOR rate fixing scandal prompted the most outrage, yet the bank’s amazingly over-rewarded boss Bob Diamond refused to resign. (Small wonder, given the king’s ransom he receives for running the company. Honour is no longer a currency that top bankers understand.)

Labour leader Ed Milliband quickly called for an inquiry into the scandal. We don’t need an inquiry – just fundamental action to drain the poison from the banking industry. This is an industry that has the dubious record of 25 years of misselling scandals (endowments, pension transfers, precipice bonds, PPI to name just four), not to mention the catastrophic mistakes that led to the credit crunch and the collapse of RBS, HBOS and others. It is shameful that Bank of England governor Mervyn King has just noticed this week that there’s something wrong with the culture of Britain’s banks.

One other point. Ed Milliband called for a ‘full inquiry’. No politician ever calls for a limited inquiry. Inquiry is one of those words that is rarely seen out on its own. Other examples include suburb (always ‘leafy’) and families (inevitably ‘hard-working’, especially the toddlers.)

UPDATE: it looks like Barclays chairman Marcus Agius will resign. Don’t cheer until it’s confirmed – and he says he won’t take a penny in ‘compensation’.