The aromas of winter

Hodgemoor Wood, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks

The advent of winter has brought crisp, sunny days. It was a a joy last week to take to the saddle for bike rides through the Buckinghamshire countryside. Yet I noticed something for the very first time. As the temperature fell, my sense of smell increased. Cycling through Hodgemoor Wood, above, the aromas were almost overpowering – in a pleasant way. It was like wallowing in potpourri. A few days later, I sensed the aroma of petrol as I passed another local woodland. And yesterday, leaving the house, I could sense the aroma of sweet candles.

Was I imagining this? Had my senses changed on marking my 60th birthday? Or was the winter of 2023/24 an unusually aromatic one?

My observations featured in The Times on Friday, which included my letter on the topic, prompted by a column by Janice Turner.

I was amused by the response from fellow cyclist Simon Chynoweth, above, on Strava. (We shared a memorable Land’s End to John O’Groats adventure in 2019.) It will be interesting to see if my aromatic experiences continue now the cold snap has eased!