Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 10, Moffat to Kinross

Edinburgh Castle and piper

This post recounts the 10th day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, in August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats. Read Day 9, Penrith to Moffat

What a wonderful day. Enjoyable cycling and unforgettable experiences, especially cycling through Edinburgh during its famous festival.

Climbing Devil’s Beef Tub

Once again, there was an autumnal chill in the air as we set off from Moffat. But we knew we had the six mile climb of the Devil’s Beef Tub to warm us up. I was looking forward to this as I remembered it as an easy and enjoyable climb from my 2002 end to end. So it proved. The sun was shining and we had impressive hills to frame our views on the ascent. The name Devil’s Beef Tub is a reference to the notorious border reivers who hid stolen cattle here. There is another historical link: the ‘postie stone’, a memorial to the driver and guard of a mail coach who died in a blizzard in 1831 trying to deliver the mail. We had perfect weather today, but our experience on the Lecht near Aviemore two days later showed how treacherous Scottish weather can be even in summer.

Edinburgh here we come!

The ride to Edinburgh from the Beef Tub was a wonderful one – some 12 miles of easy downhill cycling with the bucolic accompaniment of the Tweed to our right, near that lovely river’s source and hills to both sides. We had a nice lunch stop at the Royal Hotel in Penicuik; we could all say the town’s name correctly thanks to Scotsman David! I was happy to while away a pleasant hour, anticipating the pleasure of Edinburgh and the Forth Bridge.

Edinburgh, festival city

There can’t be a better way of visiting Edinburgh during the festival than by bike. (A view confirmed later by colleague Imogen, who had the impossible task of getting a cab in the city later in the month.) We thrilled to the sights and sounds as we threaded Scotland’s capital, freewheeling down the Mound to stop at Princes Street for a view of the castle. There was a piper stationed there – no doubt enjoying rich pickings from people like us, happy to get the statutory bagpipe sound in our videos. (Fiona and Holger danced to the tune, which made a nice feature in my highlights video at the end of this post.)

Through the New Town

We then made our way through Edinburgh’s New Town and onto a railway path towards the Forth road bridge.

We go Forth

Unfortunately the east cycle path overlooking the famous 1890 Forth Bridge was closed, so we were routed onto the west path, overlooking the latest, 2017 Queensferry crossing. (Footnote: the ‘Forth Bridge’ is the railway crossing, built to withstand an enormous storm after the collapse of the original Tay bridge at Dundee in 1879 when a train was crossing.) I was surprised how tranquil the crossing was, compared with the very windy Severn Bridge six days ago.

The Forth Bridge

We got our best view of the railway bridge as we climbed away from the Firth of Forth towards Kinross. It was a hilly ride to our destination, but I enjoyed it, especially the views of Loch Leven. It reminded me of my childhood in Cardiff, where my friend Anthony lived in Leven Close. Many roads around Roath Park Lake in the Welsh capital are named after Welsh, Scottish and Canadian lakes.

On first glance, our destination, the Green Hotel in Kinross was a treat, with its airy corridors and comfortable rooms. I had the biggest room by far of the treat of the trip, with a bath – always my first measure of a good room!

The Green Hotel, Kinross. I didn’t have a bath

But appearances can be deceptive. As the sun streamed through the window, I went to run a bath. But no water came out. I got on with other tasks but when I tried again, there was still no water. I went to the front desk, who said they’d had a problem but everything should be fine shortly. I paid three visits to the reception desk, but the promises of hot water never came true. When water finally started running, it was a horrible brown colour – and still cold.

Chris, one of our party, was kind enough to let me use his bath. At no point did the staff at the hotel apologise to me or find a way for me to have a bath or shower after 80 miles’ cycling. They gave everyone a free drink, a miserly recompense for their incompetence. (There was no hot water in my bath in the morning either.) I will not return to the Green Hotel in Kinross, although I am happy to point out that dinner in the bar was excellent.

Day’s stats

80 miles, 3,898 feet climbing, 6 hours cycling, 13.3 mph average speed

Read about Day 11, Kinross to Ballater

Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 9, Penrith to Moffat

Our third country!

This post recounts the ninth day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, in August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats. Read Day 8, Conder Green to Penrith

This was a less eventful day, apart from the milestone of crossing into Scotland. There was a distinct chill in the air as we prepared to set off. My revised, less favourable view of my Penrith guest house was confirmed when the owner told me off for leaning my bike against an outside wall. As if handlebar tape and a saddle would ruin it!

The cooler weather prompted my only clothing mistake of the tour. I started with a base layer and long sleeve jersey. In the chill of the morning, I wasn’t warm enough – but was too hot with a jacket on! That’s when I wished I’d brought a wind-resistant long sleeve jersey.

On leaving Penrith we went through Newton Rigg college campus – which gave me a flashback from my Coast to Coast ride in 2017, when we did the same in the opposite direction.

It felt good seeing signs for places in Scotland.

We reached the border at lunchtime, taking the obligatory photos by the sign. We had reached our third country! Amusingly, we slipped back over the border for lunch at the Gretna Chase Hotel. After the rain of previous days and the cold start, it felt good to sit outside in the sunshine and enjoy an excellent lunch.

The first hour’s cycling in Scotland was a bit of a slog on the road to Annan. There was an unhelpful headwind and the scenery was nondescript apart from glimpses of the Cumbrian mountains and Solway Firth.

We reached the lovely town of Moffat in good time and gave the bikes a good wash after the rain, mud and muck of the last few days. I really liked Buchan Guest House, despite my small room. The owner invited us to leave clothes we wanted washed in a basket; they were back by the time we got back from dinner.

We had dinner at the Star Hotel, which the Guinness Book of Records confirms is the narrowest hotel in the world, as it’s only 20 feet wide! We had an excellent dinner here. Highly recommended,

Day’s stats

70 miles, 2,930 feet of climbing, 5 hours 9 mins cycling, 13.7 mph average speed

Read Day 10, Moffat to Kinross

Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 8, Conder Green to Penrith

In the fells, with M6 and West Coast Main Line to the left

This post recounts the eighth day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, in August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats. Read Day 7, Northwich to Conder Green

This was a lovely day. It rained a lot, as low pressure continued to dump lots of rain on Great Britain, but it wasn’t as heavy as yesterday, and the roads were drier.

Water, water…. The Lune near Lancaster

We had many opportunities to see the effects of three days’ rain, especially as the flood plain of the Lune was living up to its name!

The first part of today’s ride took us along an old railway path from Conder Green to Lancaster. I normally have a good sense of direction and geography, but today I was disoriented . Weren’t we going away from Lancaster not towards it? I had a similar feeling later near Tebay, not realising that it was south, not north, of our destination Penrith.

My new friends

There was an animal theme today. A herd of cows took interest in us at the morning brew stop. Later, we found the lane blocked by a gate as a lovely female farm worker let a lorry-load of lambs into a field. She apologised for keeping us waiting; we said it was no problem on a Sunday morning when we were enjoying the lovely Lancashire hill country. We smiled at the registration number on the van, which ended BAA!

A rare and thankful sight

Later, I was intrigued to see a this sign for Arkholme with the reference to its being a thankful village. Thankful villages were those that lost no one in the Great War; 59 men from Arkholme went off to war and came back. Nearby Nether Kellet was ‘doubly thankful’ as it lost no one in either of the world wars.

More water

My favourite part of today’s ride was the stretch in the fells with the West Coast Main Line railway, M6 and river Lune to my left. We saw an electric express train heading south, which led me to imagine steam hauled trains traversing these lonely hills, as they did until my early childhood.

Climbing away from Tebay

Lunch was a more meagre affair than normal in a pub that had sixties music (a theme we found in northern pubs) competing with Songs of Praise on TV. We joked that we hadn’t prayed enough for good weather!

We had a big climb our of Tebay straight after lunch, which I was pleased to complete without too much difficulty. The afternoon session was relatively easy, and we were soon in Penrith, our final night south of the border.

At first glance my guesthouse in Penrith was lovely – a solid Victorian house with lovely features. We were told there was a drying room, which was a godsend as I needed to wash some cycling clothes, But this drying room proved to be a false god: it was a cupboard with no heat. Needless to say, nothing dried! It proved surprisingly difficult to dry clothes during this summer trip, as the few heated towel rails were typically unheated. Happily our first guesthouse in Scotland did a wash for us.

Venturing into Penrith for dinner, I could feel a distinct change in the weather. I wore long trousers for the first time in two weeks, a pattern that would continue off the bike for the rest of the trip. You wouldn’t know that it was August!

The day’s stats

62 miles, 4,085 feet climbing, 5 hrs 2 mins cycling, 12.3 mph average

Read Day 9, Penrith to Moffat

Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 7, Northwich to Conder Green

That weather forecast wasn’t wrong

This post recounts the seventh day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, in August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats. Read Day 6, Clun to Northwich

This was the day I concluded there’s no such thing as waterproof cycling clothing. We got wet. Very wet. So wet that we were handed towels when we arrived at our lunchtime pub stop.

But the first stage of the day;’s cycling from Northwich was dry – and fast. We averaged over 16 mph over the first 20 miles, which was a surprise given we were making our way past the Manchester conurbation. A contrast with my 2002 LEJOG route past it, which was slower and more stop-start. Much of today was urban riding, unlike most of the past six days, in towns that had seen better days. But we went through one gem early on: Great Budworth, a village of timbered cottages similar to those in Pembridge and Weobley two days ago.

The rain started for real – ”organised rain’, in that strange phrase loved by certain TV weather forecasters – as we started the climb onto the moors near Bolton. I was cycling on my own by this stage, and reflected on how the equivalent day on LEJOG in 2002 was also a washout, (We had waves down the road that time and we were flooded out of our campsite, so I should think myself lucky in 2019!) It was a shame that we didn’t get a view as it must be spectacular up here ion a fine day. Despite the rain, I wasn’t cold, and found it strangely satisfying, although I confess that feeling faded towards the end of the afternoon.

Just desserts on a rainy day

As we entered the Rock Inn, Tockholes, we were handed towels to dry off. I chose a seat by the glowing fire, but quickly realised that it wasn’t on! Lunch was just what I needed: a hearty cheese and onion pie followed by jam roly poly. I also ordered a pot of tea to warm up, a tradition that lasted for the rest of the tour.

I had company for the rest of the day, which was nice, We came across a cycle race as we neared Lancaster. Sadly, we didn’t get the promised view of Blackpool Tower but a number of our group couldn’t resist stopping for ice cream at Wallings not far from our destination at Conder Green. By then I was far more interested in finishing the day and getting into dry clothes!

Lovely dinner after a wet day’s ride

Tonight we were in the Mill at Conder Green, the best hotel of our stay, and I was blessed to have a room with a bath. Later, Louise, Paul, Nico, Kevin and I had a wonderful dinner. I went for a curry as a change from a week’s pub grub, and it was delicious. I followed that with the cheese board.

That will do nicely

We were amused by Nico, who was yearning to join the rest of our party in the Stork pub, half a mile away. But the weather was still atrocious. He kept staring out of the window at the driving rain, finally plucking up the courage to venture forth. We stayed put! It would be nice to spend time at the Mill in fine weather.

Day’s stats

74 miles, 3,950 feet climbing, 5 hrs 18 mins cycling, 14.1 mph average speed

Read Day 8, Conder Green to Penrith

Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 6, Clun to Northwich

Crossing another Severn bridge, Shrewsbury

This post recounts the sixth day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, in August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats. Read Day 5, Monmouth to Clun

It’s not what you want to see before a day’s cycling. As I drew back the curtains in Clun, the rain was bouncing off the pavement. This is going to take some of the fun away from the day’s ride across one of my favourite counties, Shropshire.

Happily, the rain had passed by the time we set off, although the forecast for this afternoon was clear: we’d get wet later. But for now, I enjoyed the views of the Shropshire hills – the Long Mynd and Stiperstones. This was the setting for some of my favourite childhood books, the Lone Pine stories by Malcolm Saville. I doubt many people under 50 have heard of them.

The Severn at Shrewsbury

We loved the exhilarating descent from the hills towards Shrewsbury. I clocked 41mph – probably my fastest ever speed on a bike. We spent a pleasant 10 minutes on the bridge watching the rowers in action and seeing our Cheshire contingent meeting their friends, who were joining them for part of the day’s ride. I reflected on memories of my much-loved Aunty Jean, who came from this lovely town. I smiled as I recalled her answer to my question, “How do you pronounce the name, SHREW-sbury or SHROW-sbury?” Her answer? “A mix of the two: SHREW-OW-sbury!”

Just as we prepared to move on after lunch in Burlton, the rain began. There followed a frustrating session as I couldn’t decide: jacket on, or off? In truth, we only had a few showers, although one was amazingly heavy. We got far wetter from the flooded roads, which were hard to navigate at times.

Clear skies at last: Beeston Castle

One of my memories of the equivalent day on my 2002 LEJOG was seeing Beeston and Peckforton castles on either side of a gap in the hills. It was a little disappointing not to get the same view this time, although we did see the gateway to Beeston, above.

A boat would have been useful…

Our destination tonight was near Northwich, Cheshire. To get there, we experienced that county’s dreadful roads (even when they weren’t under water) and very impatient drivers. We were staying at the Hollybush Inn, a rather unusual place. The staff were kind enough to find some old newspapers (from 2016!) to dry our shoes overnight. I had arranged a massage to ease the aching limbs. It was a revelation how much this helped over the coming week.

Dinner and breakfast at the Hollybush were enormous, which made up for my smallest room of the trip. Tomorrow’s weather forecast is dreadful. Those shoes are likely to need more newspaper!

Day’s stats

82 miles, 3,800 feet of climbing, 5 hrs 55 minutes cycling, 14 mph average speed

Read Day 7, Northwich to Conder Green

Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 5, Monmouth to Clun

Clun: a lovely destination on a sunny day

This post recounts the fifth day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, in August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats. Read Day 4: Street to Monmouth

This was a shorter and easier day: just 58 miles. But it didn’t feel like it over the first five miles, a constant ascent out of the Wye valley. Just as I remembered from my 2002 ride! This prompted a thought that was confirmed as the days unfolded: I much prefer ‘proper’ hills to ascents that don’t look serious but go on for ever. But the weather was fine, and once we got to the village of St Weonards the riding was more enjoyable. This small place has cannily placed a Land’s End to John O’Groats fingerpost outside its shop. They obviously get lots of people like us stopping to take photos and buying things there!


I was looking forward to our lunch stop at Pembridge, Herefordshire. This village in the Arrow valley, like nearby Weobley, is a gorgeous collection of black and white timbered buildings. We had lunch in Pembridge in 2002 and it proved as lovely this time as I remembered. We sat under the 16th century market hall and took a moment in the sunshine to admire the unusual separate church bell tower. A perfect place to rest on a sunny summer’s day.

Relaxing in Clun

The rest of the day was uneventful, with an easy ride to Clun. I couldn’t help thinking of the words of AE Houseman from A Shropshire Lad:

Clunton and Clunbury,
Clungunford and Clun,
Are the quietest places
Under the sun.

Walking over the ancient bridge up to the castle ruins, I knew exactly what he meant.

Clun castle
Not so quiet tonight: the music man

That said, Clun wasn’t quite so quiet that evening when one of our group, Nigel, was invited to play the ukulele by a group playing in the Sun Inn!

Day’s stats

58 miles, 3,858 feet climbing, 4 hrs 18 minutes cycling, 13.4 mph average speed

Read Day 6, Clun to Northwich

Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 4, Street to Monmouth

About to cross Brunel’s masterpiece.

This post recounts the fourth day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, in August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats. Read Day 3, Moretonhampstead to Street.

What a fabulous day’s cycling! We crossed the Severn Bridge into Wales, which was an emotional moment for me, born in Cardiff. But there were other magical moments, including passing Wells cathedral, crossing Clifton suspension bridge and having a brew stop in glorious sunshine next to the ruins of Tintern Abbey.


For once, we avoided big climbs after lunch and brew stops. Instead, the day began with the Somerset levels. This is such a magical landscape, with Glastonbury Tor rising mysteriously high above the levels, and the quirky town of Glastonbury with the whiff of incense hanging in the air as we cycled through on the way to Wells. The inevitable downpour greeted us as we reached England’s smallest city, but magically the shower gave way to sunshine as we reached the beautiful cathedral.

The hill of the day followed – the climb onto the Mendips – which was a long ascent but by today we had got into a pattern for these hills: choose a low gear and take your time, rising from the saddle from time to time to vary things. It didn’t seem long before we were enjoying the long descent to Chew Magna Lake, which was bigger than I remembered it – and a lovely spot for a brew stop!

Clifton suspension bridge

The next stretch towards Bristol was a bit of a slog – a busy road and dull scenery. But the reward was cycling over Clifton suspension bridge, Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s masterpiece, finished after his death. This is an example of how Peak Tours is so good at creating routes with unforgettable experiences. (Cycling through Edinburgh was another.) I was just as impressed by the route to the Severn Bridge, which was surprisingly rural compared with the route we took on my 2002 LEJOG, which went over the M5 Avonmouth bridge footbridge and past various chemical plants.

Over the Severn Bridge to Wales

The Severn Bridge has featured in my life for over 50 years, linking my Cardiff birthplace with homes, family and friends in England. It replaced the old Aust ferry in 1966, but remains the only cycle route over the mighty estuary below Gloucester. It was amazingly windy up there – which made the wind-free Forth crossing in Scotland six days later a surprise!

Croeso i Gymru – welcome to Wales!

I felt emotional as we crossed into Wales and saw the familiar bilingual road signs. Unfortunately, there isn’t a welcome to Wales sign on the cycle path – a missed photo opportunity that the Welsh government should address!

Tintern Abbey – afternoon tea

We had a lovely ride along the Wye valley to Monmouth, fortunately just days after the A466 reopened so avoiding a hilly diversion at St Arvans. The sun was shining at our most scenic brew stop yet at Tintern Abbey – and we had Welsh cakes to celebrate our arrival in Wales.

I couldn’t resist!

It was just a short ride from Tintern to Monmouth, the historic border town, and we crossed the border back into England for a few miles with the beautiful Wye to our side. We were staying in the King’s Arms, an old coaching inn that’s now a Wetherspoons hotel. Our bikes had an equally historic home for the night – the Shire Hall opposite!

The Shire Hall and Charles Rolls

I had a lovely evening in Monmouth catching up with my cousin Wendy and family. There was a poignant aspect to this as on my LEJOG stay in the town in 2002 I had dinner with my father and late mother. Happy memories.

Day’s stats

65 miles, 3,865 feet climbing, 12.7 mph average.

Read Day 5 – Monmouth to Clun

Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 3, Moretonhampstead to Street

Gone to lunch, Drewe Arms, Broadhembury, Devon

This post recounts the third day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, in August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats. Read Day 2: Fowey to Moretonhampstead

As if we hadn’t climbed enough hills in the previous two days, we faced a brutal truth from the word go today: a steep climb out of Moretonhampstead. And it was raining, so the combination of a warm day, a stiff climb and a rain jacket had me overheating straight away. I quickly decided I’d ditch the jacket (in my jersey pocket) and cool down. There folllowed a pretty if switchback ride to Exeter, and several grinding long ascents on a road with temporary traffic lights.

We passed quickly through Exeter (a contrast to Plymouth yesterday) although we didn’t see anything of the city other than the modern Exe bridges. The good news was that we’d done most of the day’s climbing other than a stonker of a climb after lunch at the picture-postcard thatched village of Broadhembury near Honiton. The Drewe Arms is as pretty as the rest of the village, and we enjoyed the stop.

We couldn’t delay that climb any longer, and the moment of truth came as the skies opened at the start of a very wet afternoon. It was a largely level ride after Stafford Hill although the pleasure at easy cycling was tempered by being bombarded by water from all directions. We had a very tricky descent on a gravelly, narrow lane just before the afternoon brew stop. The Peak Tours team had added an awning to keep us and the snacks dry as the rain returned. Happily, the sun returned just as we approached our destination, Street, and we took the chance to clean and fettle the bikes ready for tomorrow’s stage.

We stayed at Mullions hotel in Street, and I was delighted to get an ensuite bath for the third night in a row. I enjoyed a walk along Street’s main, er, street, and noted the buildings carrying the name of the Clark family, whose success in the shoe trade made Street’s name. As has already become the routine for LEJOG19, I edited the highlights video, which was shorter today because of the weather.

Day’s stats

70 miles, 5 hrs 8 mins riding, 3,900 feet climbing, average speed unknown because of Garmin issues

Read Day 4, Street to Monmouth

Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 2, Fowey to Moretonhampstead

Looe, Cornwall. An interlude between hills

This post recounts the second day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, in August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats. Here’s the post about Day 1, Land’s End to Fowey

The sun was shining as we set off from Fowey to the Bodinnick ferry. We were lucky – heavy rain overnight had moved east by breakfast time, a theme that would be repeated several times over the journey north.

Yesterday was simply an appetiser for today’s main course of West Country hills. The pattern was simple: climb, descent, repeat. But it was garnished with lashings of nostalgia as memories of childhood holidays in this part of world came flooding back. We passed through Looe and had the morning’s brew stop at Seaton, Cornwall, just cross the road from where I paddled a rubber dinghy in the glorious heatwave summer of 1976.

We earned this view of Plymouth!

Lunch today was on the waterfront in Cremyll overlooking Plymouth. We had another ferry ride to the Devon city, but had to wait as we couldn’t all get on the first one. There followed a bit of a frustrating trek round Plymouth – an example of how cycle ways too often take slow and circuitous routes to avoid main roads. Finally, we escaped onto the Plym valley railway path, which took us into the foothills of Dartmoor without really noticing how high we’d climbed. (The beauty of cycle paths that use old railways.) This was much easier than the long, long climb from Tavistock that I remembered from 2002.

By the time we reached Yelverton, the sunshine had given way to wind and a sharp downpour. Fortunately, the weather cleared before we tackled the climb onto the moors. The sight of the prison at Princetown made me shudder – the 200 year old building is a menacing presence in the bleak moors. We were not detained, and pressed on to our destination for tonight, Moretonhampstead.

Day’s stats:

63 miles, 6,122 feet climbing, 5 hrs 26 mins cycling; average speed 11.6mph

Read Day 3, Moretonhampstead to Street

Land’s End to John O’Groats – Day 1, Land’s End to Fowey

Ready to ride the length of Great Britain

This post recounts the first day of my 14 day LEJOG19 adventure, on 4 August 2019. For tips based on my experience, please go to my blogpost How to ride Land’s End to John O’Groats

The moment had arrived. I along with 18 other cyclists were gathered by the famous sign at Land’s End, supported by three guides from organisers Peak Tours. There was laughter – and a few butterflies. Were we and our bikes up to the challenge? How would we cope on the endless hills of the West Country?

As always, Land’s End struck me as a place to leave, rather than a destination. (A good reason to cycle from there to John O’Groats, rather than the other way. Even more important, the prevailing wind will usually be a helpful tailwind rather than an infuriating headwind slowing you down.)

Nice spot for a cuppa

The ride to Penzance was surprisingly fast which banished my nervousness and we were soon cycling along the seafront to the first Peak Tours ‘brew stop’. This was a wonderful moment as we were given mugs with our names on for us to grab a coffee and an array of snacks to keep energy and morale as high as the Cornish hills.

Having cycled LEJOG in 2002 along the north coast of Cornwall, I relished the softer scenery of this southern route skirting Truro and heading across the river Fal on the King Harry ferry. (There’s something special about taking a bike on a ferry, especially a rare chain ferry like this one.) We were making good time, and even reached the pub lunch stop at the Royal Oak at Perranwell before it opened!

Fowey and the Galleon Inn

Those Cornish hills proved manageable until the very last one, a brute of an incline near the lovely harbour village of Fowey. But I was soon approaching Fowey and the nice surprise of a gem of a pub as the night’s accommodation, the Galleon Inn. It was right on the harbour and my room was in a modern, comfortable wing. A perfect place for a meal to get to know my fellow cyclists and to watch the boats go by.

Day’s stats:

Pre-ride to Land’s End from Cape Cornwall: 7 miles, 400 feet climbing, average speed 13.8mph

Land’s End to Fowey: 65 miles, 4,878 feet climbing, 4 hrs 43 minutes cycling, 13.8mph average speed

Forward to Day 2: Fowey to Moretonhampstead